Thermoweldable V-belts
Mafdel offers a wide range of trapezoidal belts, to meet most needs:
- Polyurethane or polyester elastomer
- Wide range of hardnesses
- Reinforced or unreinforced
- Cogged or plain
- With or without top surface cover
Reinforced V-belts – Polybelt+
The tensile reinforcement in V-belts is constructed of aramid fibres. Reinforcement prevents belt elongation and reduces tension take up during belt installation.

Cogged V-belts
To accommodate a requirement for decreased pulley diameter, Mafdel’s trapezoidal belts can be cogged from 10x6mm section upwards.
It is also possible to increase the depth of the cog to accommodate even smaller roller diameters.

10 x 6 | 13 x 8
17 x 11 | 22 x 14 | 32 x 19
Belt coatings
Covers can be bonded to trapezoidal belts from 10x6mm section upwards.
A wide range of coatings meets handling requirements in terms of grip, slippage and resistance to abrasion or temperature.
SOUPLEX 85 ShA and TOTALGRIP 70 ShA polyurethane coatings

Smooth coating
Studded coating
Saw-tooth coating
SG3 coating
Trellis coating
High grip coatings

Green PVC grip-top coating
Black rubber grip-top coating
Other coatings

Polyester felt
Aramid felt
Our experienced application support technicians are always available to discuss your application requirements and suggest the appropriate cover type.